aTool: Markt XML-Editoren
Marktübersicht XML-EditorenVersion 0.5, 14. November. 2000 Felix Gatzemeier(fxg), Diana Gross(dg) Adept Editor
Description:A high-end validating SGML/XML authoring tool for serious document work. Adept Editor LE
Description:XML/SGML editor with a simplified user interface for the occasional e-Content contributors Word Interchange wie bei Epic. Athena
Description:Erweiterung für Word, um bestehende (Word-)Dokumente in SGML-Dokumente umzuwandeln, eher für Verlage geeignet als für Autoren, "erkennt" Textelemente bzw. Textmuster und ordnet diese DTD-Elementen zu, spezielle Features zur Erkennung von bibliographischen Daten und Überprüfung der Konsistenz von Referenzen. BladeRunner
Description:Unterstützt die Erstellung dynamischer Sites für e-Business. Verspricht, daß Dokumente mit Word erstellt werden können. Aus einer DTD wird eine Word-Dokumentvorlage erstellt, daß in Word (oder Interleaf) benutzt wird. CLIP! XML editor
Description:Primary purpose of CLIP! is to let you create valid XML documents. Its advanced features and user-friendly authoring environment let you focus on the content of your document rather than the technicalities of XML. Its helper tools can be utilized to create and edit documents in both Structure and Text Mode. CLIP! is more than an editor. It is a viewer as well as a search tool. Graphical representation in Structure Mode lets you visualize document structure in one glance and powerful search features grants you every piece of information in documents you are composing. Content@
Description:Content Management System für kollaboratives Arbeiten mit Word-Dokumenten, Oracle-Datenbank liegt zugrunde. COM-basiertes API, erweiterte Word-Menüs. Debit
Description:XML editor for highly structured document editing.The interface is designed for structured data entry, not for loosely structured, narrative documents. Features include: Editing XML documents to arbitrary DTDs Validation HTML Document preview using XSLT Element reordering Dynatext
Decsription:Professional publishing system with support for native SGML and XML. You can use it to publish from a single source via any electronic media, such as SGML-based electronic books, CD-roms, or HTML or XML pages. Includes publisher-controlled stylesheets, stand-alone browser for viewing, multiple language support, and multiple content views. Supports authoring with Word, Framemaker, and Interleaf. Documentor
Description:Professional tool that supports SGML/XML for document production. You can use Documentor to create structured documents, to store them, to process them, and to access them. It also features generic formatting to allow you to publish in a variety of formats. EditTime
Description:An SGML/XML authoring tool with particular strengths in multi-lingual publishing. EIP Solutions Framework/ XMLFramework
Description:Plattform zur Dokumentenverwaltung innerhalb eines Unternehmens an (Enterprise Information Portal -EIP). Auch Anzeige aller Informationen und Daten über Web. "DataChannel's XML engine generates an XML file automatically when the user clicks the `Publish to Channel' `Save As' menu item within Word." habe ich auf der Website nicht gefunden. Epic
Description:Eigenes Autorenwerkzeug für Unternehmen zur Erstellung von Inhalten für Web, CD-ROM und Druck. Besteht aus mehreren Komponenten für Autor und Publisher. Neben dem Produkt wird auch der Service zur korrekten Installation/Konfiguration verkauft. TreeView und Texteditor nebeneinander. Word Interchange (Option für alle Arbortext Editoren) konvertiert Word nach XML und ungekehrt über einen Style-Mapper, jede Konvertierung erscheint jedoch aufwendig, da manueller Eingriff notwendig. Unterstützt kollaboratives Arbeiten, besitzt Schnittstellen zu Documentum, Poet, Chrystal. Bietet über sog. Profiling Personalisierung/Parametrisierung der Dokumente an. Framemaker+SGML
Description:Adobe FrameMaker+SGML 6.0 delivers everything you need to create, edit, and publish complex documents in Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). A required format for documentation in some industries, SGML enables organizations to share volumes of complex, frequently revised documents across applications and computer platforms in a variety of media. Publish to multiple channels - the Web, CD-ROM, and print - all while retaining the document's structure and organization. With its accessible user interface, FrameMaker+SGML lets you focus on content without having to learn the complexities of SGML. New with FrameMaker+SGML 6.0 is XML publishing capability through the included Quadralay WebWorks Publisher Standard Edition. HynetDirectiveOffice 97 und 2000
Description:Content Management System für e-Business JITI Builder
Description:Erlaubt Metadaten in vorhandene Office-Dokumente einzufügen. Keine XML-Unterstützung im eigentlichen Sinne. Keine Integration mit Office. Morphon
Description: XML editor for creating XML documents, based on a DTD. Offers a format of its own to define and edit stylesheets. Implements XSL with support for XT and LotusXSL. Key Features:
Description:Procura is a specific purpose authoring tool for developing complex structured documents. It can be used with existing XML documents or to create new ones using a DTD. The application includes standard word processing features as well as some advanced features:
Description: QuickSilver XML is a fullýfeatured application suite for creating and assembling long, complex documents by individuals or workgroups. QuickSilver integrates the traditional strength of Interleaf with an extensive array of new tools to help users migrate their complex document applications to the open XML standard. Benefits:
Description:Native support for XML has now been added to the highly acclaimed PowerPublisher DTP in the form of the UltraXML add-on from WebX Systems. WebX Systems believe that UltraXML is the very first true native WYSIWYG integrated XML editor solution available. UltraXML is a comprehensive XML solution that allows PowerPublisher to be used in all of the following ways:
Visual <markup>
Description:Comprehensive XML editor designed for developers, optimized for creating, editing, and viewing the documents, DTDs, and schemas used to communicate between applications. Features include validation, context-sensitive editing, different editing views, and creation of schemas from data sources such as relational databases, LDAP directories, and Java classes. Visual XML
Description: Visual XML is a tool that enables you to create and modify DTD and XML documents. WebWriter
Description: Based on the technology of their SGML editor, Stilo's WebWriter allows authoring of XML documents with and without a DTD. WordPerfect
Description: Word processor with advanced support for authoring XML, and SGML, documents in a WYSIWYG environmnent. Includes wizards, automatic element insertion, and automatic generation of documents. The DTD, layout information, and mapping files are incorporated into a single WordPerfect template. WordPerfect 9 is part of WordPerfect Office 2000. Wordperfect 9
Description: Wordperfect 2000
Description:Supports HTML, ODBC, Java and XML Xact
Description: An XML authoring tool with particular strengths in multi-lingual publishing. Allows multi-document editing, drag and drop, on-the-fly generation of HTML or RTF (via XSL), customization with VB script, and integration via COM. Xeena
Description: This editor takes as input a given DTD, and automatically builds a palette containing the elements defined in the DTD. Users can thus create/edit/expand any document derived from that DTD, by using a visual tree-directed paradigm. The visual paradigm requires a minimum learning curve as only valid constructs/elements are presented to the user in a context-sensitive palette. Key features of Xeena are: Syntax directed editing: Xeena is aware of the DTD grammar, and by making only authorized elements icons sensitive, automatically ensures that all documents generated are valid according to the given DTD Intuitive viewing and editing of XML documents in a tree control view Editing of multiple XML documents Includes XML source viewer Restricts adding and editing of features according to the DTD, and checks validity of produced documents Easy customization of display XMetaL
Description: Professional, full-featured XML/SGML editing tool. XMetaL has a word processor-like view, as well as a source view and a tag view. It works with SGML or XML DTD's, offers context-sensitive lists of allowed elements and attributes, and supports CALS tables, DOM, CSS, and HTML. XMetaL has an integrated browser preview for XML documents. xmlspy
Description: With its structured approach xmlspy allows you to quickly view and edit any XML or DTD document on your PC. Unlike the many Java-based XML editors available today, XML Spy is written entirely in C++ and is targeted specifically at the Windows platform. This results in a series of benefits for the PC user:
Has full Unicode support, enhanced character-set encodings with auto-detection and auto-correction, support for XML Namespaces support and XHTML 1.0, DTD validation support, XML source view and editing, and a preview using Internet Explorer 5. Version 3.0 offers element/attribute/entity entry help based on DTD, project management, import/export of text files, Word documents, Access databases, and ODBC sources, and DTD/schema generation. XML Pro
Description: "XML Pro offers the features of an advanced XML Editor with an intuitive interface that allows XML experts and novices alike to create valid, well-formed XML documents. Priced at $149.95, XML Pro delivers a professional XML editing solution at a consumer price." Version 2.0 uses IBM's XML4J parser and supports XML 1.0, DOM, and SAX. In addition, it offers drag and drop, cut and paste, an option to change document encoding, and a DTD view XML Notepad
Description: Microsoft XML Notepad is a simple prototyping application for HTML authors and developers that enables the rapid building and editing of small sets of XML-based data. With XML Notepad, developers can quickly create XML prototypes in an iterative fashion, using familiar metaphors. "XML Notepad offers an intuitive and simple user interface that graphically represents the tree structure of XML data. Working with the standar building blocks of XML supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, authors are able to create reproducible data structures that can be easily filled, allowing greater emphasis to be placed on application development instead of manual data structuring." "The main purpose of the Beta 1.5 release is increased compatibility with Internet Explorer 5." XMLwriter
Description: An XML editor with a text editing interface that features auto indent and syntax highlighting. Uses the IE5 parser, MSXML. Features include:
XML Editor Maker
Description: The XML EditorMaker is a software tool written in Java to generate Visual editors out of XML Schema files (DTD files) automatically. The EditorMaker is a complement for the IBM XML BeanMaker. To run the XML EditorMaker, you need to have the XML BeanMaker jar file also. Xpose
Description: Customizable XML editor javabean for creating valid or well-formed XML documents. Tree-view based GUI, XML source view is also available. It can load files over the internet or from your hard drive. In Valid mode, you can only add text, elements, and attributes according to the DTD's rules. Xray
Description: XML editor with real-time error checking. Xray allows you to create well-formed XML documents or to validate your documents according to adocument type definition (DTD) or XML schema. Allows multiple document editing. WorX for Word Standard Edition (SE)
Preis WorX SE Departmental Client Package (WorX SE Plugin, WorX Administrator, Dokumentation im PDF Format):
Beschreibung :Das im July 2000 herausgegebene Produkt WorX for Word SE implementiert die neueste WorX-Technologie für die Erstellung von XML-Dokumenten in Word. Diese Technologie ermöglicht auch die Konvertierung der nichtstrukturierten Dokumente nach XML. Das Tool arbeitet mit XML-Dokumenten nur in Verbindung mit validen XML-DTDs oder XML-Schema-Strukturinfos (hier auch XDR -XML Data Reduced- genannt). Mit WorX Administrator kann man DTDs (oder XDRs) verwalten. Das Tool wir mit ein paar DTDs und XDRs mitgeliefert (Dokbook, u.a.). Die Liste dieser DTDs ist unendlich erweiterbar. WorX Administrator erzeugt und verwaltet alle XML-Dokumenttypen die mit WorX Se Plugin in Word editiert werden können. Nachdem der Benutzer die Wahl eines Dokumententyps getroffen hat, kann er mit WorX SE Plugin in Word eine XML-Instanz erzeugen: 1. er tippt wie gewohnt seinen Text (die Arbeitsumgebung ist dieselbe wie in Word ohne WorX SE Plugin), oder fügt mit Copy and Paste seinen schon editierten Text ein. Anschließend ordnet er die Strukturelemente manuell zu ( markieren der betroffenen Textstelle; Aktivieren des Knopfes Taggers, der die Anzeige der zugelassenen Elemente an der Stelle ermöglicht; Wahl eines Elementes von dieser Liste). 2. nur eine Voreinstellung im WorX Administrator kann die manuelle Zuordnung vermeiden. Hier können den einzelnen Strukturelementen verschiedene Templates ( Element, Table, List, ListItem, Picture, Hyperlink) zugeordnet werden. Nachdem diese Einstellungen durchgeführt wurde, kann die Aktivierung eines Knopfes in WorX Se (Structure from Style) ein automatisches Mapping der Elemente starten. (diese Feature funktioniert in der Evaluationsversion nicht) WorX Se Information Retriever Client ist ein Viewer für valide und wohlgeformte XML-Dokumente. Created by: system last modification: Monday 06 of December, 2004 [23:12:08 UTC] by Sven |