
Seminar: Current Trends in Software Engineering

Seminar winter term 2008/2009

Seminar winter term 2008/2009

Current Trends in Software Engineering

Aktuelle Trends in der Softwaretechnik


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Nagl
Tel. 0241 / 80 - 21301


Dipl.-Inform. Cem Mengi
Tel. 0241 / 80 - 21313
Dipl.-Inform. Daniel Retkowitz
Tel. 0241 / 80 - 21317


  • The registration will take place via the central seminar allocation of the Faculty of Informatics from 16/06/2008 to 29/06/2008. The link can be found here.
  • The Website is online.


The aim of this seminar is to elaborate a broad overview of the current trends in software engineering and to analyze the potential application fields. The seminar comprises topics in the field of software development processes and management as well as software development paradigms and respective methodologies. New trends in this area are for example agile software development, model-driven engineering, or product line engineering. In these approaches techniques like rapid prototyping, domain specific modeling, model transformation languages, design patterns, aspect-oriented programming, and extreme programming are applied. Furthermore, management aspects like software risk management, CMMI, software metrics are of interest in this seminar.

Important Dates

Date and Time Subject Location
25/03/2009 - 27/03/2009 Final seminar presentation Seminar room i3 (room 4312, building E1)
16/03/2009 + Test presentations Seminar room i3 (room 4312, building E1)
04/01/2009 12.00 p.m. Submission of final paper and complete slides N/A
02/12/2008 + Discussion of complete paper and outline of the slides Your supervisor's office
18/11/2008 12.00 p.m. Submission of complete paper N/A
28/10/2008 + Discussion of outline, keywords, and first chapter Your supervisor's office
21/10/2008 12.00 p.m. Submission of paper outline N/A
14/10/2008 10.00 a.m. Topic presentation Seminar room i3 (room 4312, building E1)
07/10/2008 + Discussion of literature research Your supervisor's office
23/09/2008 10.00 a.m. Kick-off meeting Seminar room i3 (room 4312, building E1)


No. Student Title Supervisor
1 Jan Christoph Uhde Component-based Software Development Cem
2 Daniel Lütticke Software Component Models: Koala Cem
3 Ilja Blanik Agile Software Development for Embedded Software Cem
4 Robert Backhaus Agile Software Development for Automotive Systems Cem
5 Christoph Schulze Aspect Mining Daniel
6 Steffen Scholz New Approaches for Software Product Lines Daniel
7 Adnan Husak Granularity in Software Product Lines Cem
8 Dominik Masur Semantic Web Service Applications Daniel
9 Marvin Hoffmann Context-Based Web Service Mediation Daniel
10 Divya Sankaranarayanan Behavioral Component Adaptation Daniel
11 Dominik Teubert Context-Aware Mobile Applications Daniel
12 Stefan Guha Maintenance of Software Artifacts Cem
13 Nils Crefeld Costs and Benefits of UML Modeling Daniel
14 André Küpper Simulation of Software Architectures: SASim Cem
15 Benjamin Held Rapid Controller Prototyping with Matlab/Simulink Cem


The seminar "Current Trends in Software Engineering" will be provided as a practical seminar for students in a Master program or the "Hauptstudium" of the Diploma program in computer science. Moreover it is possible to use it for the "Vertiefungsgebiet" Software Engineering. Admission requirement is the completed "Vordiplom" for Diploma students. Knowledge of the lectures "Introduction to Software Engineering" and "Modeling of Software Architectures" are advisable.

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