Package i3.dragos.core

The DRAGOS kernel and the classes and interfaces which are required to implement kernel modules, services and tasks.


Interface Summary
KernelModule The KernelModule interface has to be implemented by all kernel modules.
Service A Service is a component of the DRAGOS database which is responsible for a certain task.
Task A Task is a light-weight execution unit which is used to perform regular jobs.

Class Summary
AbstractService AbstractService is a generic implementation of the Service interface.
AbstractTask AbstractTask provides an abstract implementation of the Task interface.
ConfigurationLoader Reads the configuration from the configuration file and creates the services, tasks etc. defined in this file.
DigesterServiceCreationRule The DigesterServiceCreationRule is a special rule for the Jakarta Commons Digester which takes the top-element of the digester's stack and adds it to the service manager if it is an instance of Service.
DigesterTaskCreationRule The DigesterTaskCreationRule is a special rule for the Jakarta Commons Digester which takes the top-element of the digester's stack and adds it to the task scheduler if it is an instance of Task.
Kernel The DRAGOS kernel is the component that holds everything together.
Main Starts the DRAGOS DBMS.
ModuleManager The ModuleManager is responsible for managing kernel modules.
ServiceManager The ServiceManager manages all services used by the DRAGOS database.
TaskScheduler The TaskScheduler executes all registered tasks on a regular basis.

Enum Summary
Service.Result Starting, stopping etc. of services can be successful or not.
Service.State A Service can be in different states.

Package i3.dragos.core Description

The DRAGOS kernel and the classes and interfaces which are required to implement kernel modules, services and tasks.

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