i3.dragos.core The DRAGOS kernel and the classes and interfaces which are required to implement kernel modules, services and tasks.
i3.dragos.core.services.commands.base This package provides a set of standard command definitions.
i3.dragos.core.services.datasources The DataSource service manages different kinds of data sources and allows a uniform access to them.
i3.dragos.core.services.events The EventManager service and associated classes.
i3.dragos.core.services.rules The RuleEngine service and associated classes.
i3.dragos.core.services.transactions The Transaction service.
i3.dragos.core.services.transactions.localmgr A custom transaction service implementation.
i3.dragos.core.tasks Tasks which are run on a regular basis.
i3.dragos.exception Exceptions used throughout DRAGOS.
i3.dragos.gm.core DRAGOS Core Graph Model.
i3.dragos.gm.core.event Events thrown by the DRAGOS Core Graph Model.
i3.dragos.gm.core.filter GraphPool implementation that can hide certain GraphEntities.
i3.dragos.gm.core.id Interfaces and classes that may be used to reference graph entities.
i3.dragos.gm.core.proxy Proxies are implementation helpers that hold references to actual graph entities / graph entity classes.
i3.dragos.gm.core.schema DRAGOS Core Graph Schema
i3.dragos.gm.core.schema.filter Schema implementation that can hide certain GraphEntityClasses.
i3.dragos.gm.core.schema.id Interfaces and classes that may be used to reference graph entity classes.
i3.dragos.util Helper classes.


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