Uses of Class

Packages that use DataSourceTransactionException The DataSource service manages different kinds of data sources and allows a uniform access to them. 

Uses of DataSourceTransactionException in

Methods in that throw DataSourceTransactionException
 void DataSourceTransaction.begin()
          Begins a new transaction on the data source.
 void DataSourceTransaction.commit()
          Commits the current transaction on the data source.
 java.lang.String DataSourceTransaction.getName()
          Returns the implementation-dependant name of the transaction (mostly useful for debugging).
 DataSourceTransaction DataSourceTransaction.getParentTransaction()
          Returns the parent transaction if this is a nested transaction, null otherwise.
 Transaction.State DataSourceTransaction.getState()
          Returns the current state of the transaction.
 void DataSourceTransaction.prepareCommit()
          Prepares a transaction for two-phase commit.
 void DataSourceTransaction.rollback()
          Performs a rollback on the current transaction and all nested transactions below it.
 void DataSourceTransaction.setRollbackOnly()
          Sets rollback to be the only possible outcome of the transaction.

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