
DRAGOS Core Graph Model.


Interface Summary
Edge The Edge interface represents a simple binary relation.
ExtensionDescriptor Interface for uniform initialization of extensions.
Graph The Graph interface offers access to the graph and its sub graphs.
GraphEntity GraphEntity is the base class of all graphs, edges, nodes, relations and relation ends.
GraphPool A GraphPool manages graphs which are stored in the same data source.
GraphPoolChecker A GraphPoolChecker verifies the correctness of the GraphPool's contents.
Node The Node interface represents nodes.
Relation The Relation interface represents a n-ary relation (hyper edges) connected to multiple graph elements.
RelationEnd The RelationEnd interface represents the end of a n-ary relation which is connected to a particular graph element.
Wrapper A Wrapper is used to dynamically extend the GM's functionality.

Class Summary
DataChangeSet A ChangeSet enumerates GraphEntityClasses and GraphEntities that have been modified by an event or during the course of a transaction.
DefaultGraphPoolChecker The GraphPoolChecker verifies the correctness of the GraphPool's contents regarding some general basic assumptions and the requirements specified in the Schema.
GraphPoolFactory The GraphPoolFactory is responsible for creating and opening graph pools.
MultiWrapper This Wrapper uses multiple other Wrappers to process any supplied argument.
NullWrapper This Wrapper returns all entities / entity classes unmodified.
UnwrapTool Utility class to simplify the unwrapping of layers created by a Wrapper.
WrapperBooster A Wrapper enhancer to be used by core graph model implementations.
WrapTool Utility class to simplify the wrapping of collections of graph entities.

Enum Summary
ConnectionMode The ConnectionMode enum is used to select which edges or relations should be retrieved.

Package Description

DRAGOS Core Graph Model.

Also see the following additional documentation:
Core Graph Model
Implementation Issues.

Copyright © 2002-2008 RWTH Aachen, Department of Computer Science 3 (Software Engineering). All Rights Reserved.