Related Work
ESPRIT Working Groups and Networks:
- APPLIGRAPH: Applications of Graph Transformation (Working Group 1997-1999)
- COMPUGRAPH: Computing by Graph Transformation (Working Group 1992-1996)
- GETGRATS: General Theory of Graph Transformation Systems (TMR Network 1996-1999)
Graph Transformation Tools:
- AGG: visual tool environment consisting of editors, interpreter and debugger for attributed graph transformation; attribute computation by Java; supports a hybrid programming style based on graph transformation and Java;
Technical University of Berlin
- BIZARR2: three-dimensional film generation tool,
University of Bremen
- CollageSystem: collage graph grammar based picture and film generation tool,
University of Bremen
- DiaGen: hypergraph-grammar-based diagram editor generator,
University of Erlangen
- Fujaba: an UML and Java development platform with the ability to add plug-ins
- Klotho: biochemical compounds declarative database - uses layered graph grammars as its modeling language,
Washington University
- OPTIMIX: compiler optimizer generator - combines DATALOG with graph rewriting,
University of Karlsruhe
- SMART: Tree- and Graph-Based Structure Matching and Rewriting Tool,
GMD First
Research Groups/Projects:
- IPSEN: Integrated/Incremental Project Support Environment - built with graph grammar engineering technology, University of Technology Aachen (RWTH)
- SUKITS: Process modelling and a posteriori integration of CIM tools with graph rewriting systems, University of Technology Aachen (RWTH)
- DYNAMITE: Dynamic Task Nets, University of Technology Aachen (RWTH)
- ACACIA: knowledge acquisition for explainable, multi-expert systems,
INRIA Sophia Antopolis
- AngioTrace Diagrams: modeling distributed systems with graph grammars,
Carleton University Ottawa
- Concurrent Models of Computation: concurrent graph rewriting systems and petri nets,
University of Pisa
- Specification of Software Systems activities at University (GH) of Essen
- Visual specification language activities of SEIS group at Leiden University
- Dorothea Blostein at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario: Editing and recognizing diagrammatic notations for music, mathematics
- Frank Drewes, University of Bremen
- Gabriel Valiente Feruglio, Technical University of Catalonia
- Herbert Göttler, University of Mainz
- Renate Klempien-Hinrichs, University of Bremen
- Hans-Joerg Kreowski, University of Bremen
- Sabine Kuske, University of Bremen
- Stephane Lapalut at INRIA, France: Reasoning on Conceptual Graphs
- Ugo Montanari at University of Pisa: Concurrent models of computation, constraint programming, graph rewriting systems
- Pete J. Rodgers at Birbeck College (University of London): Graph rewriting and visual database language publications (Spider project)
- Andy Schürr at University of Technology Darmstadt: PROgramming with Graph REwriting Systems (PROGRES)
- Gabi Taentzer at University of Technology Berlin: Parallel and Distributed Graph Transformation - Formal Description and Application to Communication-Based System
- Albert Zündorf at University of Kassel - the developer of the PROGRES interpreter and compiler machinery
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