Dipl.-Inform. Anne-Thérèse Körtgen
Building E1
Room 4305
Ahornstraße 55
52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49 241 80 21312
Fax: +49 241 80 22218
Email: koertgen@i3.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Publications 2009
A. Körtgen.
Tools for Consistency Management between Process Design Products.
In Proc. of the 8th World Conf. on Chemical Engineering (WCCE '09), 2009.
to appear.
( bib)
A. Körtgen and S. Heukamp.
Correspondence Analysis for Supporting Document Re-Use in
Development Processes.
In Proc. of the 12th World Conf. on Integrated
Design & Process Technology (IDPT '08), pages 194-205. SDPS, 2008.
( bib)
A. Körtgen and C. Mosler.
Recovering Structural Consistency between Design and Implementation
using Correspondence Relations.
In Karras et al. 4.
pages 53-60. ISRST, 2008.
( bib)
Dimitris A. Karras, Daming Wei, and Jaroslav Zendulka, editors.
International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and
Practice, SETP-08, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 7-10 2008. ISRST, 2008.
( bib)
A. Körtgen.
Modeling Successively Connected Repetitive Subgraphs.
In Proc. 3rd Intl. Workshop on Applications of
Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance (AGTIVE '07), pages 428-443. LNCS 5088, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2008.
( bib)
A. Körtgen, S. M. Becker, and S. Herold.
A Graph-Based Framework for Rapid Construction of Document
Integration Tools.
In Proc. of the 11th World Conf. on Integrated
Design & Process Technology (IDPT '07), page 13 pp. SDPS, 2007.
( bib)
A. Körtgen, S. M. Becker, and S. Herold.
A Graph-Based Framework for Rapid Construction of Document
Integration Tools.
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 21 pp., SDPS, 2007.
( bib)
since 2006 | Research Assistant at the Department of Computer Science 3 (Software Engineering) at the Aachen University of Technology (RWTH Aachen), Germany
| 2000–2006 | Study of Computer Science with focus on Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Germany
| 1987-2000 | Primary & Secondary School in Bonn, Germany
| 1981 | Born in Bonn, Germany |
Job Experience
1998–2000 | Jörn Ott EDV-Service & Beratung, Bad Honnef, Germany: Server administration and maintenance at clients office, PC and network installations
| May 2000 – Sept 2000 | Internship at the Department of Development, tops.net GmbH & Co KG, Bonn, Germany: Implementation of web applications in multiple projects
| Mar 2003 - May 2006 | Student Assistant at the Department of Computer Science 3, RWTH Aachen, Germany: Design and implementation within the subproject I3 of the SFB 476 IMPROVE for model-based wrapper development
| Aug 2004 – Oct 2004 | Internship at the Department MB48 Integrations Product Support, Division Defence and Security Systems/Military Aircraft (EADS), Munich, Germany: Implementation of a software program for analysis and evaluation of onboard diagnostic data with MS Access |
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