Available Documentation
Up to now the following documents are available which either describe the PROGRES language or its environment:
- The complete and (in)formal report for PROGRES language, version 1.1:
Printed book: /Schürr91b/, see list of references (in German).
- Informal description of all language extensions/modifications from version 1.1 to current version:
Postscript-File: man/PROGRES-Nachtrag-95.ps (in German).
- A guided tour through PROGRES including INSTALLATION guide lines:
ASCII-Text-File: man/GuidedTour.tex.
- A guided tour which describes how to generate stand-alone prototypes with tk/tcl based user interfaces:
- A list of known bugs:
ASCII-Text-File: man/BUGS.
- Online help texts for all functions of the PROGRES environment:
ASCII-Text-Files in directory: data/messages.
(do not try to read the plain text version but use the PROGRES environment to read these explanations).